How to identify a bulging brick wall

When you see a brick wall that appears to be bulging inward, it is important to get help from a professional. A brick wall that is bulging can indicate that there is an issue with the wall’s foundation or structure. If you are concerned about the safety of yourself or your family, it is best to get help from a professional. Here are some guidelines which can help you to identify the problem with your wall. 

bulging brick wall

Bulging Brick Wall

A bulging brick wall is a type of wall that has an abnormally large amount of space between the bricks. This space is caused by the bricks being pressed together from the outside, causing them to swell. Bulging brick walls can be a sign of a structural problem with the wall or building.

How to Identify a Bulging Brick Wall

If you’re noticing bulges in your brick wall, it’s important to identify the problem and take steps to fix it before it gets worse. Unfortunately, it can be difficult for the average homeowner to identify the issue without proper training and experience. In most cases, you’ll need to call a brick and stone contractor to inspect the wall and recommend a course of action.

Brick walls can bulge for a number of reasons, but the most common cause is moisture infiltration. If water seeps into the mortar between the bricks, it can cause the mortar to expand and push the bricks outwards. This is often a sign of structural damage, and if left untreated, it can lead to serious problems down the road.

Signs of a Bulging Brick Wall

There are several signs that your brick wall is bulging, but a few of the most common are listed below.

Horizontal and Vertical Cracks

If you’re noticing horizontal and vertical cracks in your masonry walls, it could be a sign that the wall is bulging. This is often caused by moisture infiltration, which can weaken the mortar between the bricks and lead to the wall’s collapse. Other signs of a bulging brick wall include diagonal cracking, tilting, and outward bowing. If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to take action before the problem gets worse.

Separation Between Mortar and Brick

One sign of a bulging brick wall is separation between the mortar and brick. This can be caused by a number of factors, such as frost heave, inadequate bonding between the mortar and brick, or movement of the foundation. If you notice this type of damage, it’s important to repair it right away, as it can lead to structural failure.

Uneven Bricks

One of the most common signs of a bulging brick is when you notice that the bricks are not all the same size. This is often a sign that the mortar has begun to wear away, which can cause individual bricks to move out of place. You may also see cracks in the mortar or along the edge of the bricks.

Leaning or Bowing

While it is normal for bricks to occasionally shift and move, you should be on the lookout for any signs that indicate a more serious problem, such as bulging. This means that the bricks are swelling outwards and is often a sign that the wall is beginning to lean or bow. In most cases, this is due to issues with the foundation, such as settlement or root damage. If you notice any signs of bulging on your exterior brick wall, it is important to call in a professional to assess the situation and take corrective action before the problem gets worse.

How to Prevent These Problems

Bulging walls can be a sign that your home is in need of some repair. There are a few things you can do to prevent this from happening and keep your home in good condition.

One way to prevent bulging walls is to make sure that the mortar between the bricks stays intact. This can be done by tuckpointing on a regular basis. Tuckpointing is the process of filling in the cracks between the bricks with mortar. If you do this on a regular basis, it will help keep the wall stable and prevent it from bulging.

Maintaining your home is another way to prevent bulging walls. Properly maintaining your home can include things like checking for water leaks, fixing broken windows, and checking for drafts. By doing these things, you will help to reduce the chances of your walls bulging.

Pro Tips

If you are seeing signs of a bulging brick wall, it is important to take action as soon as possible. Rebuilding or patching sections of the wall will help to keep the structure stable and secure. By taking care of the problem quickly, you can avoid damage to the rest of the wall and possible injury to people or animals.

A bulging brick wall is a clear sign of foundation problems. If you see this problem, it’s important to get it fixed as soon as possible, as the foundation is the key support system for your home. A bulging wall can be caused by many things, such as soil settlement, moisture problems, or inadequate footings. Foundation repair specialists can fix these problems and help prevent them from happening again.

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