As the chimney is constantly exposed to rain, snow, and hail, it is susceptible to corrosion and rust. Because of all the precipitation attacking your chimney, moisture is on the list of leading causes of masonry chimney damage. Water intrusion is prevented by many different mechanisms that are used in chimneys and homes. As you probably already know, your chimney cap and crown protect your home against moisture, but chimney flashing is another vital component. This blog aims to give you a better understanding of chimney flashing importance and when to repair it.
Flashings used in chimneys are metal sheets that are installed at the point where the chimney meets the roof. A metal barrier keeps moisture out of your roof and chimney, preventing it from getting into your house. Now you understand how important these little pieces of metal are.
However, it’s important to understand that chimney flashing isn’t completely perfect. Wear and tear on flashing over time will require its replacement. You might find that it lifts or begins to rust. It is possible that pieces will break off. Or, even due to poor installation, you may face a water leakage. The flashing could be damaged or compromised at any time. Therefore, you need to maintain it and know what to do when it needs to call the technician for repairing it.
For flashing, materials such as galvanized metal, copper, and stainless steel are commonly used. Galvanized metal is generally less expensive, but it is less resistant to corrosion and rust. The corrosion resistance of stainless steel and copper is higher. So it is up to you what type of material you want to choose for it.
In order to ensure proper installation and sealing of flashing, it should be installed in layers. The seams should be caulked to provide extra protection. Flashing installation is technical work, so it is recommended you should always hire the best chimney repairs in your area.
Visually inspect your flashing on a regular basis. By that, I mean climbing up onto the roof and examining everything around the masonry chimney to check for any signs of damage. Make sure nothing is loose on the flashing. Moreover, make sure to visually inspect your flashing after severe weather. We recommend you should inspect your chimney at least twice a year. If you are not sure how to inspect the chimney, call your nearest professional services for proper inspection.
Some of the most common repairs are to replace torn or damaged flashing caused by bad weather or animals. Some flashings were installed improperly from the beginning, so these need to be reinstalled by an experienced professional. This could have been due to the flashing materials being ineffective or the caulking wearing out. Flashing can be repaired in any season, but summer is an ideal time to address these issues.
Performing flashing repairs is easier and smarter now than ever before. At Atlantic Brick and Stone, our technicians are ready for the sweat now, so your chimney works smoothly later on. With 15 years of experience in Fredericton, we have earned your trust.
Atlantic Brick and Stone can solve your chimney flashing problems quickly by complying with industry standards and following the best practices in the industry. Installing or repairing your flashing will help prevent the penetration of water or critters as early as possible to avoid a major issue.
Create stunning structures with our residential and commercial masonry services in Fredericton. From meticulous designs to the completed build, our process is professional and rewarding, and we can’t wait to build your dream with you.
Atlantic Brick and Stone, one of the best masonry contractors in Fredericton, NB
8 Muskie Street, Lower Kingsclear, New Brunswick E3E 0E7, Canada